Team > Dr. Gilbert Shang Ndi

Personal Information
Nationality: Cameroonian
Date of Birth: 27th September 1982
Gender: Male
Professional Training
- 2006-2008: DIPES II (Teachers Grade Two Certificate) Bilingual Letters Department, Ecole Normale Supérieure University of Yaoundé 1.
Academic Profile
- 2002-2006: B A (Hons) Bilingual Letters, University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroon
- 2006-2008: MA Commonwealth Literature, University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroon.
- 2010 - 2014: Ph.D (Hons) in Comparative Literature, Bayreuth International School of African Studies (BIGSAS), University of Bayreuth.
Selected Academic Activities
- 13-17 April 2011: ALA Conferences Ohio, USA. Paper: “Narrating Change and Progress in the works of Ngugi wa Thiong’o and Ahmadou Kourouma.”
- 16 May 2011: Tracks and Traces of Violence Conference, Bayreuth. Paper: “Doing Things with Blood: The Teleology of Violent Memories in Selected African novels.”
- June 2011 – June 2016: Participation in all Editions of BIGSAS Literature festival of African and Afro-diasporic Literature, University of Bayreuth.
- 11–15 April 2012: ALA Conference, Dallas Texas. Paper: “Writing/Reading in Extremity: The Aesthetic, Ethical and Mythical Representations of Violence in L’Etat Honteux and Osiris Rising.”
- 1-2 May 2012: Junior Francophone Researchers Colloquium, Université Laval, Québec. Paper: “Texte comme Prétexte: Etudes des modes de déplacements génériques dans le roman africain postcolonial”
- March 2013 - March 2014: Co-coordinator of the Work-group Making of Meaning in Africa: Media, Discourse and Metaphor.
- April 2013 - 2014: Member of Workgroup "State and Society Relationship in Africa."
- 26-29 September 2013. APELA Conference, Bordeaux. Paper : "Les déconstructions de l’Histoire officielle dans les romans de Sony Labou Tansi et Ayi Kwei Armah."
- June 11-14 2014. VAD Conference Bayreuth. Paper : "Ngugi wa Thiong’o and the Imaginations of the Future. "
- 03-06 June 2015. ALA Conference Bayreuth, Paper : "Ayi Kwei Armah and the Quest of an Ethical Future"
- 08-10 July 2015. ECAS Conference Paris. Paper: "Ayi Kwei Armah and the Language Question."
- 08 – 12 August 2016. Jornadas Andinas de Literatura. Paper presented : “El Lado Oscuro de la Globalización: Una Lectura Intertextual de El Sueño del Celta (2010) de Mario Vargas Llosa y de Congo Inc. Le Testament de Bismarck (2014) de In Koli Bofane.”
Selected Leadership Roles
- 2011-. Member of Bayreuth Stadtführung,"Afrika in Bayreuth"
- 12 March 2012: DAAD Auftaktveranstaltung “Welcome to Africa”, Bonn. Member Podiumsdiskussion on Forschungskooperationen: Visionen und Herausforderungen für Nachwuchswissentschaftler.
- 22-24 May 2012: Joint organization of Music Workshop in Bayreuth with guest artists Matchume Zango and Lulu Sala.
- 2012 - 2014: Member of the BIGSAS@school Programme
- 14 April 2013: Joint organization of "Achebe Night" in honour of the deceased Nigerian literary icon China Achebe.
- 31 July - 05 August 2013: Seminar in Auschwitz Poland organized by the Bayerisches Seminar für Politik - (Auschwitz Death Camps: Victims - Perpetrators -Background).
- 14 - 18 October 2013. Seminar on Cultural Diplomacy Institute Berlin (ICD) - Professional Development Program in Cultural Diplomacy
- 2013, 2015: Member of Jury for the BIGSAS Journalistenpreis Award 2013/2015 editions.
- 2014 - Member of African Good Governance Network (AGGN), under tutelage of DAAD.
- June 2014. Chair of the Panel “Ngugi wa Thiong’o and the quest(ion) of the Future” during the VAD Conference in Bayreuth University.
- November 2014-15: Editor-in-Chief of BIGSAS World.
- 15-17 December 2014: Conference Panel Chair: “Religion and Space: Perspectives from African Experiences" hosted by the BIGSAS.
- August 2016 -. Secretary General of JALLA (Jormadas Andinas de Literatura) for Africa Section.
Guest Lectures
- 9 August 2014. Afrika Kollegium, Hamburg, Germany. Theme: “Der Staat in den afrikaniscshen postkoloniale Romanen”.
- October 2014. Guest Speaker at DAAD Orientierungsseminar for Scholarship holders from Africa in Bonn. Made a presentation on Auslandsstudenten und Intergration in Deutschland.
- -29-30 September 2015: Introducción a la Poesía Africana de expresión francesa, inglesa y portuguesa. Universidad San Marcos, Lima, Peru.
- - 30 September 2015. Novelas Africanas y la representacion del espacio politico postcolonial. Universidad San Marcos, Lima, Peru.
- -25. January 2016. Biopolitics and Decolonial Criticism: A Contrapuntal Reading of the Postcolonial Condition. Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences, University of Buea, Cameroon.
- -05. August 2016. La Literatura Comparada en la Universidad de Bayreuth: Perspectivas para el Acercamiento Africa - America Latina.” Carrera de Literatura, Universidad Mayor San Adrés, Bolivia.
- -April 2010- Sept 2010- BIGSAS Preparatory Course Sponsorship
- -October 2010 - April 2011- DAAD Scholarship for completion of PhD Thesis
- -April 2015 – Fritz Thyssen Postdoctoral Fellowship
H: Awards/Nominations
- September 2006. Academic Excellence Award, Faculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences, University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroun.
- November 2013: DAAD Preis 2013, University of Bayreuth.
- September 2015. Nomination by Bayreuth University to attend Alexander von-Humboldt Alumni meeting in Berlin, 23-25 September 2015.
List of Publications
- "(Re-)Signifying Abject Bodies: Narrative Transfigurations Of Violence In The Novels Of Ayi Kwei Armah and Sony Lab'ou Tansi" in "The making of meaning in Africa: Word, Image and Sound." Eds. Dan Omanga and Gilbert Ndi Shang Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers. Institute for African Studies, Bayreuth, 2013.
- "Writing/Reading in Extremity: Body Politics and the Figure of Death in Sony Labou Tansi’s The Shameful State." Online International Journal of Arts and Humanities, Vol. 1 Issue 5, October 2012. 68-73.
- "Ngugi’s Poetics of Naming" in Africa And Her Writers. Eds. Chin Ce and Charles Smith Journal of African Literature and Criticism 10 Special Edition. IRCALC, 2013. 31-52.
- "Texte comme Prétexte: la transfiguration générique dans des romans de Sony Labou Tansi et de Ngugi wa Thiong'o." French Studies in Southern Africa. Rev. 43, 2013.
- (with Ndogo, Samuel). 2013. "Tribute to Chinua Achebe." In: Anthonia C. Kalu, Ernest N. Emenyonu & Simon Lewis (eds.). Chinua Achebe: A Tribute (1930- 2013). Geneva, NY: African Literature Association.
- “Disoriented Temporalities: Narrating postcolonial Progress(ions) in the Novels of Ngugi wa Thiong’o and Ahmadou Kourouma.” Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2 (2), 2015. 139-149.
- The Self of the Camera: Popular Practices of Photography and Self- Presentation in the New Social Media” in Defining Identity and the Changing Scope of Culture in the Digital Age. Eds. Alison Novak Rowan and Imaani Jamillah El-Burki. Hershey: IGI Global, 2016. 240-250.
- Interview with Peruvian author Carlos Villacorta. Proyecto Patrimonio Letras.
- “A Question of the Body: Colonial Legacies and Postcolonial Imaginaries of Power”. International Journal of English and Literature. 7(9), 2016. 143-151.
- A Review of "Mundimbe’s Order of Things", A Film by Jean-Pierre Bekolo. Journal of African Cinemas. Vol. 8 (2) 2016. 215–218.
- “Deconstructing Scopic Regimes: Visual Culture and Aesthetics of Subversion in Postcolonial Imaginaries.”(Accepted and forthcoming 2016).
- State/Society: Narrating Transformations in Selected African Novels. Berlin: Litverlag. (Book forthcoming 2016).
- “Doing Things with Blood”. Tracks and Traces of Violence. Katharina Fink, Nadine Siegert, Ndi Gilbert Shang and Sam Ndogo (Eds). Lit-Verlag, Berlin. (end of 2016)
Professional Experience
- Academic Assistant at the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies (December 2014 - March 2015)
- Taught the courses “Introduction to African Poetry” Winter Semester 2013 under Anglophone Literature Department and "Les Romances en Europe" Winter Semester 2014 under the Department of Francophone and Comparative Literatures, University of Bayreuth.

Dr. Gilbert Shang Ndi
Postdoctoral Researcher, Research Section “Arts & Aesthetics”
Phone: +49 1521 6957451