Romance and Chick lit in and out of Togo. A chapter of the project: Generic innovations, intermedial aesthetics and the circulation of African literatures: Togo in a comparative perspective

Romance and Chick lit in and out of Togo. A chapter of the project: Generic innovations, intermedial aesthetics and the circulation of African literatures: Togo in a comparative perspective
by Prof. Dr. Susanne Gehrmann (Humboldt-Universität Berlin, Deutschland)
Thu 14 January 2021, 12-14, Zoom 931 4120 3142, Passcode: 154421 (RS Arts & Aesthetics meeting)
In this contribution to the RS A&A I intent to briefly introduce the scope of my broader research perspectives and questions and then focus on the genre of romance. Moving beyond the few canonized Togolese authors who mainly live in the diaspora and publish in Paris, over the last couple of years I’ve been interested in the local production of popular literature in Togo. Indeed, short love stories in the tradition of formulaic romance literature flourish on Lomé’s book market. In spite of their repetitive pattern and stereotypical gender roles, they seem to appeal to a wide readership. There is still a gap in my research due to postponed field research that would allow me to tackle questions of the book market, readerships and reception in depth. Therefore, my research has been text focused so far. A few authors of the contemporary love stories stand out for their innovative approach to the genre by use of remediation, a combination of romance with other popular genres (crime fiction, fantasy, gothic) and by integrating elements of the contemporary globalized branch of romance: chick lit. I have already published articles on novels by Chris Edgar Locoh (based in Lomé) and Lauren Ekué (based in Paris) and would kindly ask the audience to read at last on of the two articles that will be circulated with this invitation. I am interested in your feedback on my approach and analysis as I am currently reflecting on how to move forward.