Team > Paddy Kinyera

2015 | PhD candidate at BIGSAS |
2014 | Completed Masters in African Studies under the Interdisciplinary program ‘Culture and Environment, Africa’ of the Cologne African Study Centre, the University of Cologne: Theme of study was in Resource Anthropology – the interaction between oil exploration and social economy of smallholding in the Albertine Graben. |
2010 | Graduated with BA in Language and Literature from the Makerere University, in Uganda |
Dissertation Project
"Politics of Oil in Uganda: Assessment of Multi-stakeholder Practices in Resource-Governance".
Despite the rampant Afro-pessimism with extractive resources, Uganda is poised to join Africa’s leading players in the oil industry. The project is based on the unfolding events in the development of the country’s oil sector, and what implications these events are likely to have on multi-scalar resource politics. With the central question: how are the preparations towards oil exploitation shaping multi-stakeholder practices in Uganda, and what implications do these practices have to future conduct of governance at regional, national and subnational levels? The study is theoretically embedded in Foucault’s philosophy of governmentality and its peculiar ways of conceptualizing government, power, territory, space and the state. It explores the structuring, institutionalisation and functionalisation of oil into Uganda’s political economy; and how the interactions therein inform the resource vis-à-vis politics debate; contributing to the corpus of governmentality studies, with focus on the prevailing and unfolding mentalities of resource-governance in the country.
Biography Field experience
a) Related to PhD
Worked as a Project Consultant in a donor funded Oil Project with an International Non-governmental organization
Designed a research protocol for identification, documentation and response modalities for oil sector conflicts in the Albertine Graben
Engaged in Multilevel dialogues on the progress challenges to the oil and gas sector; policy lessons and way forward.
b) Others
Taught at various Universities in Uganda: was a part-time Assistant Lecturer at Uganda Martyrs University and Gulu University
Research Assistant with ‘Cluster of Excellence – Politics and Religion focusing on the LRA in Northern Uganda, a project of the Institute for Ethnology, University of Münster
Presentations and Teaching
- African Political Economy
- Resource Conflicts
- Development Policy and Governance,
- Population and mobility.
- Social geography

Research Interest
- Prospects, Politics and Petroleum development in Uganda

Kinyera, Paddy Banya; Doevenspeck, Martin
Consentient Citizenship and the Making of Infrastructural Frontiers in East Africa
Africa*n Relations : Modalities Reflected
Bayreuth , 2024. - page 77-100 . - (University of Bayreuth African Studies Online; 11)
doi:10.15495/EPub_UBT_00007499 ...
Kinyera, Paddy Banya; Doevenspeck, Martin
Covid-19 and the Politics of (Im)Mobility in Uganda
Covid-19 in Africa : Governance and Containment
Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. - page 33-54
doi:10.1007/978-3-031-36139-5_3 ...
Kinyera, Paddy Banya; Doevenspeck, Martin
Governing Petro-(im)mobilities: the making of right-of-way for Uganda's East African Crude Oil ...
in Mobilities volume 18 (2023) issue 6. - page 968-984
doi:10.1080/17450101.2023.2171804 ...
Kinyera, Paddy Banya
Towards crude transformation : Scaling development in Uganda's Albertine graben
in The Extractive Industries and Society volume 15 (2023)
doi:10.1016/j.exis.2023.101280 ...
Kinyera, Paddy Banya; Doevenspeck, Martin
Wertschöpfungsketten und Konflikt : die East African Crude Oil Pipeline in Uganda
in Geographische Rundschau volume 73 (2021) issue 12. - page 32-36
Kinyera, Paddy Banya; Doevenspeck, Martin
Imagined futures, mobility and the making of oil conflicts in Uganda
in Journal of Eastern African Studies volume 13 (2019) issue 3. - page 389-408
doi:10.1080/17531055.2019.1579432 ...
Kinyera, Paddy Banya
Land, oil and expressions of citizenship in Uganda’s Albertine graben
in The Extractive Industries and Society volume 6 (2019) issue 1. - page 110-119
doi:10.1016/j.exis.2018.10.018 ...

Paddy Kinyera
Postdoctoral Researcher, Political Geography
Office: Baracke 2, Room 17
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-2181