Dr. Sybille Ngo Nyeck

Personal Information
Sybille Ngo Nyeck is broadly trained in the international political economy of development, political theory and comparative politics with a focus on Africa. She has to date pursued two research tracks: first on gender, sexuality and identity politics emphasizing LGBT experience in Africa, and on the political economy of development with an interest in government outsourcing or public procurement. Although rooted in the disciple of political science, she is intersectional at the core in her theorization and analysis of gender and sexuality borrowing from fields such as philosophy, anthropology, law, literature, theology, ethics, and films studies.
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Project Description
As a BA fellow her objective is to complete a book manuscript under contract on queer Africa dialectics and politics. This book reflects on queer identity struggles through selected African films, Proteus, Touki Bouki and Karmen Gei, Round Trip and Madame Brouette. It focuses on the symbolic interactions, negotiation styles, and strategies of the characters in each film to develop a framework of African Queer Dialectics and Politics as simulation and simulacra following Baudrillard’s (1994) characterization of the postmodern condition in mass reproduction.