Dr. Pepetual Mforbe Chiangong

Short Bio
Dr. Pepetual Mforbe Chiangong is the Project Manager of “Künstlerische Biographien: Transkuturell,” an international project on biography and documentary film funded by Stiftung Innovation in der Hochschullehre, based at the Hochschule für Musik und Theatre (hmt) in Rostock. She worked as an Assistant Professor of African Literatures and Cultures with focus on African Drama, Theatre and Performance at the Humboldt University in Berlin from 2012-2023. She has coordinated and directed theatre performances in collaboration with Kunst Fabrik Schlot, Bard College Berlin, Jugendtheatrewerkstatt (JTW) and the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. She was part of two projects within the Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bayreuth namely: Colonial Letters and Contact of Knowledges and the Working Group on Shakespeare and Africa: Literary Entanglements across Space and Time. On a DAAD scholarship, she completed her Ph.D. in African Theatre and Drama at the University of Bayreuth. Besides having taught in her home country in Cameroon and in several universities in Germany before joining Humboldt University in 2012, she has published widely in her field of teaching and research. Based on her work in theatre and performance, she was nominated thrice for the teaching excellence award at the Humboldt University, with an award of the First Faculty prize in teaching excellence conferred on her in 2013. She currently submitted her Habilitation project at the Humboldt University on “Old Age in African Drama and Theatre: Perspectives, Practices, and Expectations.” Pepetual Mforbe Chiangong is the current Vice President of the African Theatre Association (AfTA).
Selected Publications
- 2024. “Health Care and Ageing Masculinity in the Performance of Notaufnahme – Hospitali.” In Masculinities Aging between Cultures: Methods and Concepts in Dialogue, Heike Hartung et al (eds.), Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag, pp.211-232.
- 2024. “Tracking “Rasha’s Gaze” to Spaces of (un)Belonging: Black Performance in 21th- century Berlin.” In The Routledge Handbook of African Theatre and Performance, Kene Igweonu (ed). Routledge: London, pp.403-415.
- 2022. “Symbolizing Orature, Heroism and Gender Relations in Okoiti Omtatah’s Lwanda Magere,” The Nairobi Journal of Literature, Vol. 10, No. 10 (Special Issue), pp. 150-171.
- 2022. With Susanne Gehrmann (eds.). Crossings and Comparisons in African Literary and Cultural Studies. WVT Verlag, Trier.
- 2021. Old Age in African Literary and Cultural Contexts (ed.). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- With Ifeoluwa Aboluwade, Serena Talento and Oliver Nyambi (eds.). African Shakespeare: Subversions, Appropriations, Negotiation. Coming soon with Routledge.