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Dr. Boubacar Sissoko

Boubacar Sissoko Dr. Boubacar Sissoko
Boubacar Sissoko

Short bio

2019: PhD in linguistic, literature and civilization Arabic at the University Lumière Lyon2 in France.

2014: Master in Arabic studies at the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon (ENS)

2012: Master Arabic pedagogy at the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Bamako

2009: licence in Arabic literature at the Université des Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines of Bamako.

Now, I am teaching the language, literature and civilization Arabic at the University of Sahel in Bamako. I am also teaching the translation (French-Arabic) at the public university.

We cannot talk about Islam without talking Arab language, because the Arabic is the source language of Islam.

So, my research focuses on modern and contemporary Muslim civilizations in Mali. How those civilisations affect Malian societies and what can we learn about the bilingualism (French – Arabic) status of Mali?

Since 2019, I am Temporarily Associated to Teaching and Research at the University of Sahel in Bamako where I teach the modern Arabic literature.

 And since 2020, I am teaching the translation (French-Arabic) and Arabo-Islamic civilizations’ at the university of Letter and humanities at the Arabic department.

Selected publications

  • 2019 : My communication at the colloquium of Nantes under the title : « Des marabouts africains au service de la France » in French, published in a collective work.
  • 2014: Exposé clair de ce qui s‘est passé entre Amadou Amadou (m. 1862) et, al-Ḥāġġ cUmarTall (m. 1864), in french, it is published in ENS de Lyon.
  • 2012 : « Les établissements d’enseignement des filles à Bamako : Centre Mère Kadidia, Lycée Notre Dame du Niger et Lycée Ba Aminata Diallo, comme exemples. » in Arabic, It is published in Sankoré review ;
  • 2010 : « Le rôle de la ville de Baraouéli dans la propagation de l’enseignement arabo-musulman au Mali » in Arabic, It is published in review of the Arab department of FLASH (Université de Bamako ).

To access the lecture by Dr. Sissoko, please click here.

Boubacar Sissoko

Project Description

Collectively, the National Union of Muslim Women and other local and national associations are concrete examples of religious participation and involvement in social and political management. Their involvement in the education sector is an individual commitment. In the last twenty years we have witnessed the creation of private schools whose promoters are famous locally or national renown.

The goal of the efforts that those women provide is to preserve the Muslim and traditional values and to block the ideals that secular feminists are trying to introduce into Malian society.

The interest of my research would first be to show how and for what end this flow that I call religious feminism came into being and the degree of its impact in the society and in the political area. On the other hand, I will try to intersect the visions and objectives of two flows: religious and secular or classical.

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