Dr. Daiana Nascimento dos Santos
Short Bio
My research is in the field of Comparative Literature, mainly in the field of African and African-American Literature. One of my main concerns has been to discuss the cultural dimension of the slave trade and its relationship to images of Africa in the contemporary imaginary of narratives written in Portuguese and Spanish. Previously, I began to work on this issue in my PhD in relation to the way slavery is represented in contemporary novels in Africa and Latin America, a subject I inquire into in the Fondecyt project of Postdoctorate (2016-2018): "Intertwined pasts: contemporary representations on (the end?) of slavery" (Pasados que se entrelazan: representaciones contemporáneas sobre (¿el fin?) de la esclavitud, in Spanish), in addition to articles indexed published in Chilean and international reviews, as well as a book with an external reference.
Selected Publications
- Daiana Nascimento dos Santos. (2015). El océano de fronteras invisibles: relecturas histórica sobre la esclavitud en la novela contemporánea. Madrid: Verbum.
- 2019 Santos, D. N., Pasado, testimonio y relecturas literarias: forjando nuevas historias sobre Angola. Revista ALEA, 21, v. 3, 185-196. https://doi.org/10.1590/1517-106x/2019213185196
- 2018 Santos, D. N. Deshaciendo cadenas: la emergencia de borrar la carimba en el imaginario contemporáneo. Revista Iberoamericana, 264, 655-669. https://doi.org/10.5195/reviberoamer.2018.7625
- 2018 Santos, D. N., A mala se perdeu no oceano: reflexões sobre escravidão e migrações na literatura contemporânea. CHASQUI Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana, 47, 2, 73-85. https://chasquirll.org/chasqui-47-2-november-2018/
- 2018 Santos, D. N., Entre el látigo y la escritura: formas narrativas de la esclavitud en la novela contemporánea. Revista Tonos Digital, 35, 01-19. Disponible en: https://digitum.um.es/digitum/bitstream/10201/60523/1/2005-5703-1-PB.pdf
- 2017 Santos, D. N., Atlántico negro: el océano en la narrativa de esclavizados. Acta Literaria, 54, 29-50. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0717-68482017000100029
- 2016 Santos, D. N., De cuando la voz se destapa y los mudos hablan. Revista de Letras, 56, n.1, 69-82. ISSN 0101-3505, ISSN-e 1981-7886. Disponible en: https://periodicos.fclar.unesp.br/letras/article/view/10569/6865
- 2016 Santos, D. N., Historia e Memória no romance Um defeito de cor, Izquierdas, 31, 162-171. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-50492016000600162
To access the lecture by Prof. Dr. Pombo, please click here.
Project Description
This project will try to highlight the experience of African and African diasporic people in a situation of humanitarian crisis related to the crossing process that refers to a reproduction or reminiscence of slavery and its vicissitudes. The reason why we work with these collectivities is due to the importance of studying the phenomenon of humanitarian crisis that occurs after the growing number of displaced people with such origins that still deserves to be investigated (see Almeida, 2010; Sánchez and Urraza, 2015; Caicedo, Castillo and Díaz, 2016; CONAQ, 2018), particularly in factors such as historical and structural exclusion, displacement by the introduction of projects related to mining and illicit crops, and the lack of institutional protection in collective territories (Caicedo, Castillo and Díaz, 2016:28). This approach makes it possible to enrich our position of analysis, because it deals with diverse literary realities, but with the purpose of establishing relations and confronting related problems, in order to foster a comparative design that contributes to the decolonization of imaginaries, unfolding a political and social potential in the context of literary studies (Akassi, 2018). Based on this view, an observation point is raised where the 'other' is not situated as an object but as a subject, in order to find a plural Ibero-Afro-Latin American dialogue (Abdala Jr. 2012:11). In fact, these studies are important for the theoretical field in which this research is circumscribed by placing Africa as the cardinal point of observation for comparison and, at the same time, as the main place for the foundation of dialogues. Dislocating the point of discussion and situating it in Africa, and even reflecting from these parameters, allows this project to formulate an innovative hypothesis by presenting the design of a new cartography for African and African diasporic Studies.