Prof. Dr. Nadine N. Machikou

Project Description
Professor of Political Science at the University of Yaoundé 2, it’s a great privilege for me be admitted as a Fellow by the Academy of Advanced African Studies. My wish is the have the opportunity be to embedded into a highly motivating academic environment in order to be able to question the Scholars Invisibility in mobility dynamics. My project, located at the crossroad of the Mobility Research Section and the Knowledges Research Section, will tackle the question of Invisibility in academic endangerment. My previous work on « Compassionate Imperialism » shows the ambivalent effects of aid/development politics on power relations in Africa. As I have argued recently in « Politique des temps » (Mbembe/Saar 2019), this power structure shall be tackled from a Southern perspective and in a long-term perspective.
In fact, the category of « scholar at risk » gives a heuristic entry point into the intersectional study of knowledge/power structures. The difficulty of African scholars to circulate on a global scale and their struggle with everyday academic mobility. Becoming a Fellow will help me to improve and refine my understanding of how statistical and administrative categories are elaborated on African endangered scholars. It will also help to frame an understanding of the most important dimensions of the unequal redistribution of vulnerability from a largely neglected group. Therefore, I expect that through my fellowship in the Academy of Advanced African Studies, I will be able to refine the problem statement on the African Scholars at risk mobility and gain better understanding of why and how international relief policies capture or not their endangerment situation. Further, my project should make a contribution to the overall Cluster’s agenda on rethinking mobility power within African Studies. This could be through deliverables such as a scientific project and a final presentation.
Selected Publications
- « Academics, Authoritarian routines and ordinary perils in Africa », Book Chapter, Laborier P. (ed.), Springer, London, forthcoming (2021).
- «Les territoires sous mandat : Cameroun et Togo. 1919-1960», avec Joël Glasman,
in Ouvrage collectif, La France et l’Afrique, 1830-1962, Paris, Editions Atlande,
2020. - «La gestion sociopolitique du Covid-19 au Cameroun : Quels traits de la biopolitique?», in Et la pandémie bouleversa le monde. Les politiques publiques variées face au Covid-19, courant 2021.
- «Parlement et autocratisation : les ressorts législatifs du développement inverse
de la démocratie en Afrique», In Sohouenou M.E. (dir), Le parlement en Afrique, courant 2020 - “Cum Patior Africa. La production politique des rgimes du proche », Mbembe A.,
Sarr F., Politique des temps. Imaginer les devenirs africains, Dakar, Philippe Rey/ Jimsaan, 2018, pp.183-224
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